Monday, November 2, 2009

I don"t have any pictures to share. I try to stay busy since Lonnie pssed away on July 7th. Terrie and I teach 1-6 grade Sundayschool and CIA on Wednesday nights. I still take my neighbor to town and to the dr.she's 81 and has never had a drivers lience. I went o Baton Rouge La. and visited frieds there it was ahard trip the first one without Lonnie. I was blessed by being able to attend aWalk To Emmus,that was wonderful. Lter this month Tina, Shyrel and I are going to Branson for a week. I'm also building a new closet for my bedroom so I can enlargeit and my bathroom. Hope eveyone has a Good Thanksgiving . Nancy

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss. Would love to hear more about your Walk To Emmus; my Dad attended one of those in Maryland a year or two ago. Said it was a wonderful experience.
